On the 5th of October, I received the KlarText Award for science communication in Heidelberg, Germany. The award is issued by the Klaus Tschira Foundation for the best popular scientific presentation of outstanding PhD research in German. I received the prize in neuroscience, alongside the 6 amazing awardees from other categories. You can read my prizewinning article and watch a short video about my work (in German).
As requested by some of my friends, I have now collected a few of my favourite photos I have taken over the years into a gallery on this website. I plan to expand and update the collections as I keep digging through my archives and assemble new material whenever time allows.
Here we go! Welcome to the news feed on my website. I will update on new research, conference visits, science communication projects and anything else that puts me in danger of exploding if I don't share it!
Stay tuned :-)